The article by Roman M Balagula et al. just published in the journal MDPI Materials. The study is aimed towards the high frequency response properties of the n-type GaN epilayers on a native stubstrates. The results indicate new practical possibilities of the GaN material controlled by an external electric field for the development of novel devices for high-power and high-frequency applications.
The work was supported by European Social Fund (project No 09.3.3-LMT-K-
712-19-0184) under grant agreement with the Research Council of Lithuania (LMT), the National Science Centre (Grant No. UMO-2017/27/L/ST7/03283) and the National Center for Research and Development (Grant No. WPC/20/DefeGaN/2018 and No. TECHMATSTRATEG-III/0003/2019/EnerGaN).
The article is published as a open access and can be accessed freely via DOI: